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Bijan Tavassoli, Politiker der Linkspartei in Hamburg, macht keinen Hehl aus seiner Menschenverachtung. Er ist zufrieden mit den aktuellen Ereignissen in Afghanistan – Er unterstützt die muslimischen Terroristen, die Afghanistan erobern

CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward donned a hijab while reporting from Kabul one day after the Taliban conquered the capital of Afghanistan. But that wasn’t enough, she was ordered to cover her face

Arrêtez l’islam
Le principal représentant de l’islam en Espagne, lié à Al Qaida, diffuse la littérature djihadiste au sein de la Grande mosquée de Madrid

Is it fair that female athletes at the olympics and elsewhere has to compete against persons who are born as males, but then later on changes their gender, and then competes against women while having the advantage of higher levels of testosterone in their bodies?. That is not fair at all. All sports organisations have to recongnise that there is only 2 genders, and that a persons gender is determined at birth. That is the only way to secure fair competition in sports

Islamization of America is accelerating. In tandem with the spread of Sharia law in America's courts,* the islamization of American media, political, education and prison systems in particular is gaining momentum. What is driving the Islamization of America? Estimated to be five million, the Muslim population in USA today is about the size of the Hispanic population 27 years ago

Biden has proposed very large tax increases to finance a bigger burden of government spending. Many of those tax increases will be imposed on corporations, and this will be bad news for the workers, consumers, and shareholders (i.e., the ones who actually foot the bill when politicians raise taxes on businesses)

Muslim immigrant from Turkey arrested after terrorist attack in the Netherlands
Gökmen Tanis has been arrested after shooting in Utrecht in the Netherlands. Suspects is be well known by the police

Enden er som sagt nær. Det er vist ingen hemmelighed, at deltagerne ved arrangementet Nørrebro Pride deles op efter hudfarve, og at hvide mennesker sendes ned bagest i optoget
Tænk, hvor meget man som hvid person må hade sig selv, hvis man møder op til det arrangement? Det er altså ret fascinerende

For decades, ADL has worked to support a secure Jewish and democratic state of Israel and to promote a strong and constructive US-Israel relationship

Islam's Hatred of the Non-Muslim
The issue of the Muslim's relationship with the "infidel" is one of the most important in Islam. The amount of attention devoted to the infidel is huge: 64 percent of the total Qur'an addresses that relationship while 81 percent of the Sira (chronological biographies of Muhammad) and 37 percent of the Hadith

Fdesouche a besoin de votre soutien
Au prix d’un travail titanesque et quotidien, de 1001 astuces, nous maintenons à flot ce navire avec des moyens dérisoires, le développons, assurons un flux continu d’informations 7 jours sur 7, 365 jours par an

Stop islamic sharia law
Islamic sharia law forbids any individual to have other beliefs or religion than islam
The Coalition to Stop Shariah calls on the Treasury Department to cancel this indoctrination session, to cease its efforts to promote Shariah-Compliant Finance and to recognize Shariah for what it is - sedition

Christianity is by far the most discriminated religion in the world. In muslim countries christian minorities are often burned alive

Forced vaccinations is a facist idea that mostly originates from left-wing politicians, socialists and communists
It must be stopped

Islamic hate against lgbt people continues
For many years it has been well-known that the bulk of hateful speech and behavior towards homosexuals in Western Europe comes from so called "culture-enrichers"

Algerisk olympier drar sig ur OS – vägrar möta judisk motståndare
Den algeriske judobrottaren Fethi Nourine lämnar återbud till OS bara ett dygn innan tävlingarna i Tokyo ska börja. Orsaken är att han parats ihop att möta en judisk motståndare, Tohar Butbul, i andra ronden, något han inte kan acceptera

Stop Abortions. Abortion not only kills a life, aborted babies feel pain as they die. It's horrendous, but it's legal

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