Bordeaux : un policier blessé après une attaque au couteau, l’assaillante neutralisée par balle, elle a crié « Allah Akbar » (MàJ : Présence de nombreux livres salafistes chez la suspecte)
Over the past few years, Turkey under the leadership of Erdogan has been helping sponsor various islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East
Medical Testimony
A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization.
It is false to claim that no one knows when life begins and dishonest to argue that abortion does not kill a human being
Bremen: Wieder Brandanschlag auf Abraham-Gemeinde – “Allahu akbar” brüllende Muslime störten den Gottesdienst
The List of Things That Offend Muslims
This list is a work in progress. I welcome suggestions. Anyone who has more items to add to the list, post them in the comments
A new poll finds that the majority of Americans still think that Joe Biden did not legally win the 2020 election. A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election
Med den snabba accelerationen av antalet asylsökande till Sverige under 80-talet inleddes en djupgående förändring av vårt samhälle. I början av 90-talet började alltmer stå klart att med denna invandring följde problem, ekonomiskt och socialt
jizya is an islamic punishment tax that muslims impose on christians
Bringing The Conservative Message To America
En nu 16-årig ung muslim kom til Norge fra Syrien med sin familie. Norge tog godt imod dem og gav dem ophold, og et dejligt rækkehus i den østlige del af Oslo. Alt samme betalt af skatteyderne.
Som tak har den 16-årige planlagt omfattende og uhyggelig terror mod nordmændene. De mener anklagemyndigheden, der nu har rejst tiltale mod den 16-årige
Halal sponsors islamic terrorism. The first document we have for AFIC states that a two man delegation came over from Saudi Arabia in 1974 bearing a $1.2 million cheque – which was quite a lot of money in the mid 70s
Leading climate activists aren’t being serious about climate change — but they’re deadly serious about socialism unfortunately
Er verscheen een filmpje van Geert Wilders over de islam. Ja, over de islam. Niet over moslims. Niet over Marokkanen. Niet over Turken. Over de islam in het algemeen. Daarin wordt gezegd dat de islam staat voor: vrouwenhaat, homohaat, Jodenhaat, christenhaat, onderwerping, gedwongen huwelijk, eerwraak
An islamic "honor" killing. In yet another mindless act of what appears to be “honor killing”, parents stoned to death their 10-year-old girl, Gul Sama. This happened in the Sindh province in Pakistan on November 21st or 22nd, yet to be confirmed by local police
FreedomWorks exists to build, educate, and mobilize the largest network of activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law
Le Rassemblement National, communique les informations suivantes, à l’effet de dissiper toutes les fausses rumeurs qui se répandent aujourd’hui concernant la détention des droits de la marque Rassemblement National et qui pourrait devenir le nouveau nom du Front National, formation politique présidée par madame Marine Le Pen
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of twenty-one books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (Regnery Publishing) and The Truth About Muhammad (Regnery Publishing) and the bestselling The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS (Bombardier Books)
Actions you can take to build support for Constitutional government
Written by Art Harman, Policy Analyst, A project of Americans for Constitutional Liberty
Video: Irfan Peci: Warum uns die islamisierten Völker des Balkans als abschreckendes Beispiel dienen sollten!
Islamisierte Völker die ihre Wurzeln nicht kennen, sich dem Islam unterworfen haben, den Kampf ihrer Vorfahren verraten haben und sich nun an vorderster Front stellen um anderen Völkern das gleiche anzutun
Our mission is to investigate expose, and combat far-left extremists and the institutions that empower them
The Islamization of Europe and how to reverse it. This article is also available in PowerPoint format