Biden made a joke about the Navy and the audience didn't laugh
Biden then calls them "dull" and asks if the sun is getting to them
Muslimische Kriminelle gesucht. Nach der antijüdischen Demonstration in der Gelsenkirchener Altstadt am Mittwoch (12. Mai) versucht die Polizei Gelsenkirchen, mit Hilfe von Fotos weitere Tatverdächtige zu identifizieren
Those openly critical of Islam are sometimes dubiously slurred as racists, regardless of what their true views on race may be. In fact, Islam is not a race. Islam has nothing at all to do with genetics, nor is it an innate characteristic. It is an ideology - a set of beliefs, and a tool used to oppres people
Joe Biden did not receive a mandate from the American people to impose his radical agenda on America
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Islam is a racist religion. The koran encourages arab muslims to use black christians as slaves, and so they are doing in northern africa
Suspect in Capitol Police attack identified, reportedly a muslim. Big supprise huh?. Not
Kodes Hamdi og hendes familie blev anråbt af en dansk mand på Kastrup havn. Nu viser det sig at Kodes Hamdi er tidligere skolelærer på Den Islamisk Arabiske Privatskole, og at dømme efter hendes profil på Facebook er hun ikke bare troende muslim, men islamisk terrorsympatisør med alt hvad deraf følger
At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe
We are in a new phase of a very old war
UN Watch stands at the forefront in combating racism, antisemitism and anti-Israeli prejudice at the UN, taking the offensive against dictatorships and double standards
Le nouveau site de l’Observatoire de l’islamisation est en cours d’installation. Si les contenus sont tous à nouveau librement accessibles, certains dysfonctionnements ou fonctionnalités non encore installées peuvent gêner la navigation. Merci de votre compréhension
The Islamist terrorist who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as part of a terrorist act can now be named. Brahim Aoussaoui, yesterday beheaded a woman and killed two others in an attack conducted on a Catholic church in Nice, France
What does the Libertarian Party UK stand for? We are a Minarchist Party with Classical Libertarian beliefs that stand for minimal taxation for both the individual and business, small government, freedom of speech
Vandaag is het zondag. Een wekelijkse rustdag, die wij houden op de zondag, is een opdracht en een geschenk van God. We wijden deze dag in het bijzonder aan de dienst van God. Daarbij is de zondag voor christenen ook een wekelijkse echo van de Paaszondag, waarop Jezus Christus opstond uit de dood. Redenen voor ons om vandaag onze site niet te actualiseren
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day was an event held on May 20, 2010 in support of free speech and freedom of artistic expression of those threatened with violence for drawing representations of the Islamic Prophet (False Prophet) Muhammad
No koran looks better than a burning koran
AfD für ein sicheres Deutschland: Wir dulden keinerlei religiöse Hetze auf unseren Straßen . 17. Mai 2021. Erschreckende Szenen haben sich in den vergangenen Tagen auf unseren Straßen abgespielt. Muslimen haben den Konflikt zwischen Israel und der Hamas zum Anlass genommen
NOTHING TO SEE HERE: Most of the Hamas-sympathetic media are hiding or downplaying these attacks on Jews by Muslims in America. The antisemitic assaults against jewish people by muslims are skyrocketing
Biden’s COVID Death Toll Reaches Grim Milestone
More than 174,000 Americans have died on his watch
Les banlieues islamisées seront notre Gaza de demain
Les images qui nous viennent d’Israël sont révélatrices du conflit de civilisation qui menace l’ensemble des pays se réclamant des valeurs occidentales. Nous avons vu les terroristes du Hamas, envoyer 1 500 roquettes sur des civils israéliens
The Islamization of Europe and how to reverse it. This article is also available in PowerPoint format