L'Islam doit être stoppé dans toute l'Europe
Islam is a religion, not a race. To criticise islam can never be racism. It is criticism of a religion, and its doctrines about killing non-muslims
The $64,000 political question remains: Will former President Donald Trump make another bid for the White House? While the former president has hinted on several occasions that he’s strongly considering the idea, he dropped perhaps his biggest hint on Friday
Go Trump!
Frankreich: Le Pen will rituelles Schlachten verbieten
Volle Unterstützung von hier
Rasha Mubarak: Rashida Tlaib's Finance Director And Dem Operative Promotes islamic hatred against jews hatred & militant islamic jihad
Muhammed, the white prophet with the black slaves
No wonder that most black people are christians, when arab muslims has commited so much slavery with black people
Mette F bruger millioner på privatfly – mens hun kræver opgør med alle andres CO2-udledninger
Til en vis grad må Forsvarets på det nærmeste modstand mod at udlevere bilagene, anses for logisk, for Mette Frederiksen har langt fra været en billig dame i forhold til privatfly, efter hun satte sig til rette i Statsministeriet sommeren 2019
AZ Sheriff: Illegal Border Crossings Have Skyrocketed Due to Biden
In remarks to investigative reporter John Solomon, Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County, Arizona says that border crossings have gone up dramatically since Joe Biden secured the Democratic nomination last year. The moment Biden began making promises to introduce immigration policies more favorable to asylum-seekers and illegal aliens, Dannels said, would-be migrants stood up and took notice
We support Arab Christians in Betlehem who spread the Gospel among Arabs and share their love for Israel
Cette élève doit être protégée pour poursuivre sa scolarité dans les meilleures conditions
Je dis aux islamistes : vous n'avez pas votre place ici, nous ne vous permettrons pas de remettre en question la liberté des femmes et les valeurs de la France. Vous ne gagnerez pas
The number of people who support islamic terrorism in Austria is growing with the numbers of muslim immigrants
VIENNA was hit with an islamic Terror attack last night with four people killed and 22 people injured with at least attacker wearing a ‘suicide vest’, the terrorist was an ISIS sympathiser, the Austrian Government has said
Flera islamiska ledare har sagt att islam kommer att segra över oss därför att muslimer älskar döden mer än vi älskar livet
Rich Higgins: How Political Islam, Communism, & Militant Secularism Threaten America
Hosted by Anni Cyrus, producer of The Glazov Gang and Founder of Live Up To Freedom
The persecution of Christians is on the rise worldwide In recent years, Christian persecution has been sharply on the rise, and its terrible impacts have only begun to be felt
Wer grün wählt, der wählt: Planwirtschaft, Ökodiktatur, totale Islamisierung – und damit den Tod Deutschlands
Der Albtraum wird wahr: GRÜN-GRAUES DEUTSCHLAND” √ Das sagt niemand Geringerer als Peter Helmes, CDU-Urgestein, Wahlkampfchef unter Franz Joseph Strauß
“I Believe That This Ideology Is Dangerous For All Mankind” | Somalian Refugee Turned Activist
In some pretty brazen comments Mona Walter, Muslim turned Christian-Activist, she describes her opinion on how Islam is “Dangerous For All Mankind”
Trump will return to the white house and save america once again
Cerca de 40 inmigrantes musulmanes fueron detenidos en la madrugada del domingo, cuando Fráncfort se convirtió en la última ciudad alemana sacudida por la violencia y los disturbios
Our mission is to educate the world about the doctrine and history of Political Islam – the part of the doctrine that deals with Kafirs (non-Muslims) and comprises 51% of the Islamic foundational texts (Koran, Sira and Hadith). We deal with facts, not opinions
The Islamization of Europe and how to reverse it. This article is also available in PowerPoint format