Germany: Muslim migrant who murdered 3 while screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ is sent to psychiatric hospital
German authorities, like authorities all over the West, are unwilling to acknowledge the reality of Islamic jihad activity, even when the jihadi tells them that he was engaged in a jihad, as he did in this case
Nachrichten, die nicht versuchen, die Wahrheit zu verbergen
If you are thinking of leaving Islam, be wary, be careful. Do not tell your Muslim friends or family. The Qur'an commands your death for leaving Islam (4:89 calls for the murder of renegades from the faith), and Muhammad is explicit in a hadith: "If anyone changes his religion, kill him" (Bukhari)
No to feminism, no to masculinism, yes to equalinism
Dette er de samme venstreorienterte i Norge som sier det ikke har noe med islam å gjøre når muslimske terrorister dreper i islams navn, som sier at det å drepe folk har noe å gjøre med å være høyreorientert bare fordi Anders Behring Breivik var høysinnet.Tror de seriøst at deres doble standarder lett kan sees gjennom?
Christians is the ones who are most often killed because of religion worldwide
It is the same leftists in Norway who say that it has nothing to do with islam when Muslim terrorists kill in the name of their religion, who say that it has something to do with being right-wing to kill people, just because Anders Behring Breivik was right-wing. Do they seriously not think that their double standards can be easily seen through?
Det er de samme venstreorienterede i Norge der siger at det ikke har noget at gøre med islam når muslimske terrorister slår ihjel i deres religions navn, som siger at det har noget at gøre med at være højreorienteret at slå folk ihjel, bare fordi Anders Behring Breivik var højeorienteret. Tror de helt alvorligt ikke at deres dobbeltmoral nemt kan gennemskues?
We wrote an entire post earlier highlighting the terror-linked Muslims and terror-appeasing non-Muslim appointments stacking up in the Biden administration. It’s going to get worse very fast
Christians are the most discriminated in the World
Le gouvernement français et la justice française affirment traiter toutes les religions de manière égale, mais traitent la religion musulmane comme si elle était "plus égale que les autres"- et pouvait jouir des privilèges particuliers
Good Christian country of Angola has the guts to ban islam, while many countries don't
Remove Justin Trudeau
Stop selling Canada out. This is a Judeo-Christian country
Justin Trudeau is responsible for the burning of those chruches and hate-crimes against canadian Christians, with his anti-Christian hate speeches
Magyarország erősödik! Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök hivatalos közösségi oldala
The Anti-Jihad Pundit - Communities
For decades, America has been the backbone of Israel's support in the world. Well, the backbone of that backbone is the support of millions of devout Christians across this great country. More than any other Christian organization, CUFI works year after year to make that backbone stronger and straighter than ever
Christenen worden het meest vervolgd in de wereld. 80% van de mensen die vanwege hun geloof vermoord worden zijn Christenen
Black african christians wants a big firewall against militant islam. Very understandable
If militant Islam spreads into Christian country Kenya, nations throughout the rest of the continent are likely to be lost in relatively short succession
Africa, a Christian majority continent, and Kenya in particular, must be the firewall that prevents radical Islamist expansion
A religion based parallel economy in secular India is a threat to National security
Boycott ‘Halal certified’ products ! – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
L'armée très islamique du Pakistan a envahi la province du Pakistan oriental en 1971, tuant des centaines de milliers de non-musulmans et violant un demi-million de femmes âgées de 9 à 69 ans
The Islamization of Europe and how to reverse it. This article is also available in PowerPoint format